
Sunday, November 7, 2021

A Day in my Life - November

It's November!  It's been a warm Fall and the color change has been slower than usual, so it really doesn't feel like November yet. But here it is!
Here's how the first day of the month went for me.

The never ending issue of not having enough nurses continues.  So, I was working as a floor nurse on this morning.  I had to start at 6:30 in the morning.  This is our enclosed patio, as I passed it on my way to the skilled nursing unit.  This unit is where we have people who come in for rehab following a surgery, they may need IV antibiotics for a while before returning home, or some have wounds that need some major dressing changes.  Many of these people are with us for 2-4 weeks before going home.

This is one of the med carts.  There are lots of meds to pass on that unit.  The computer stays on the cart, and tells us which meds to pass and when.

Here's part of the dining room on that side.  It was still quiet and dark when I got started.

Unfortunately, we had a lady come to visit her Grandma and two days later test positive for Covid.  2 weeks later her Grandma tested positive and now a few others.  
This is a box of rapid tests.  When anyone is positive in the building, we have to test all the other residents several times a week.  So, after I got done with the morning med pass, I had to do tests on everyone.

At 11, another nurse came in and relieved me, so I went back to my office.  The Physician Assistant came in around noon and I went with him while he visited a few people.


This is my desk.  I usually have it pretty organized, but on this day, I was very busy.  I had audits to do, Dr orders to take care of, and the biggest task was getting ready for a vaccine clinic I had to have the next day to give booster shots.  I had to get consents for all our residents, and get staff signed up.  There is so much paperwork sometimes!

I got done a little after 5 and had a pretty drive home.  The temp was nice and the sun was shining!

The pumpkin fields are pretty much harvested.

Pretty scenes on the way home.

Almost home!  Our house is just past the pine tree on the left.

Welcome home!

Chicken noodle soup for supper. It was good!

Bob had to go to a meeting at church.  The weather was feeling pretty cold, so I decided to mix up a batch of Chai Tea mix.

It goes together pretty easily, and soon I had my canister ready for the cold weather.

I mixed up a cup, sat down and relaxed.  Bob was home about an hour later and we had a nice evening.

Happy November!


Ginny Hartzler said...

My favorite is the gorgeous pic of the barn with the yellow tree. You are sure busy! And you are an angel to so many people!! I like seeing where you work and what you do, and I hope it helps others appreciate people who do what you do.

Ginny Hartzler said...

P.S. I bet a lot of us would like your Chai tea mix recipe!

Deb J. in Utah said...

You are one busy woman! It wears me out reading about your day and your long hours. Thank you for all your do. You and all the health care workers are truly the heroes of this pandemic. Hope you have a good week!

Joyful said...

Hi Mari, you certainly are a busy nurse. I admire how organized and efficient you are. I've been hearing about nursing shortages here too but now things are even worse since a lot of nurses and staff have been given pink slips due to non-compliance with mandatory vaccines for many segments of our population. It's pretty much mandatory for everyone if we want to have other rights recognized. I never thought I'd see it come to this though I'm in favour of doing all we can to protect the vulnerable. Your scenes look very pretty. Unlike you we have had an unusually wet, stormy and cold season so far. We still have some fall colour but many leaves have fallen due to stormy weather. I hope your week goes well and not quite as hectic.

Hootin Anni said...

Golly, that's nearly a twelve hour day!!! Too much for one person...I hope you are getting the recognition you so deserve!!
That soup look hardy. I do love soup.
Now, let's just hope you two have MORE relaxing evenings together very soon.

Arlene G said...

Oh that dreaded Covid. Marvin and I both got our boosters so hoping all goes well this winter. You amaze me at all the hats you wear at your job. Nursing is hard work.

Linda said...

I just love your photos...and I simply don't understand how the virus is spreading when one is vaccinated---but I already know the answer (grin). All been a fed a bill of goods, sigh...awful thought, I know.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

-sigh- Soooo much paper work! So much work period, with less staff.

Ahhhh but we don't hear much in the so-called-news, do we? Unless it is *telling* of *millions* of UN-Vaxed, filling Emergency Facilities. -Harrrrrumphhhhh-

Interesting bit!!!! Consent is needed, to give Zeeee Booooster! Very interesting.

But will any, who say NO, be subject to constant testing???

🍂 🍁 🍂 🍁 🍂

Jenny the Pirate said...

Autumn landscapes in Michigan are like out of a storybook! And I hope you'll share the recipe for your tea mix. xoxo

Suemn said...

Our state's national guard has been called to help with the long term care in the nursing homes where there are staff shortages. Bless you for all your extra hard work and long hours! I hope you are able to staff up soon so that you don't have to work so hard and long.

Michelle said...

You are a hardworking woman! Seriously, I don't know how you keep up with your schedule.

Terri D said...

You and your staff are so busy, Mari. I pray that you are able to get a few more staff hired soon to take some of the stress off. God bless you all. I love your photos on the way home. Such a lovely area that you call home!! Have a blessed November!! xo

HappyK said...

Love the picture of the barn.
My hats off to you with a big Thank You for being a nurse!! Nurses are often over looked but vital!!

Kim said...

It always amazes me how much you get done in a day.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

I love these peeks into your life and I'm still amazed at all that you do and deal with dear Mari! Especially in these days of covid. ugh. You wear so many hats and you wear them beautifully. And chai tea is an absolute fave for this time of year. I love how you do it! I may steal that idea too. Lol
God bless you dear lady and all you do to care for so many.

Jean said...

Oh Mari! So much responsibility!! God bless you!! What a long day! You continue to amaze me month after month!