
Sunday, November 5, 2023

When Two Seasons Collide

 Like a lot of you, we had our first snow of the season on Halloween.  This is earlier than usual for us and our normal is some flurries that don't stick to the ground.  This time we got 3 inches.  Muskegon, Michigan, which is 20 miles from us got 9 inches and cancelled trick or treating because of power lines falling due to all the wet, heavy snow.
I was at an appointment and driving home when it really started coming down.  It was wet and slippery, and I was glad to be home!  Here's what it looked like.

Our road.  It really is pretty, even though I'm not thrilled with snow.

Our maple tree branches were hanging low with all the heavy snow.

The view from our porch. The snow on those brightly colored leaves adds a new layer of beauty!


  1. Wow! The snow on the yellow fall leaves is gorgeous! And all of your photos are so beautiful. My favorite is the next to last.

  2. How beautiful!! You be safe driving in that stuff!

  3. Sorry about the early snow but it is lovely to look at. The photos are great. I understand that even we may have flurries sometimes this Winter. Not sure about that. It's highly unusual for us to have snow but it did Jan. 3, 2018. Right now we've dried out here in SE Georgia and are praying for rain. Never happy, are we? *giggle*
    Have a glorious day. Be safe.
    Blessings. xx

  4. We only had about half the amount of snow that you did and it was also a heavy wet snow . I was thankful that we didn't get anymore than we d. One year we did have a lot of heavy wet snow about this time of year and it damaged a lot of trees as well as taking down power lines. Your pictures are beautiful... especially the one from your road...and the snow covered gate.

  5. Well it certainly was beautiful; you have to give it that. I would love to have been ensconced in your lovely cozy home while you cooked my supper, looking out at that snow, haahaha! Would you believe, after a few cool (BUT MUCH TOO BLINDINGLY SUNNY, UGHHHH) days, we are looking at temperatures in the low eighties again this week? I hate to complain because it is so unseemly but I get very bored with our Indian Summers. I want it to be cool and misty-gray outside. That's my vibe, hahaha xoxo

  6. Yes you guys got an early snow. It snowed here too a little but didn't really stick to anything! Maybe a early snow is a good sign that Spring will be early, too? One can hope anyway!

  7. Happy new week Beautiful! You really did get some snow that day! wow! Yep, winter is definitely knocking and wants to come in. Lol xo

  8. It is beautiful with the golden leaves.

  9. Those frosted leaves sure are beautiful!

  10. Oh wow! The snow is beautiful but like you, I am just not ready for snow yet. Your pictures are really pretty, colored leaves covered in snow. Kinda rare, isn't it.

  11. Wow!! Early snow. It is so pretty to see in pictures, Mari, but I don't miss that stuff in person at all. The snow on the fall colors is pretty amazing. Be safe!! xo

  12. Love those frosted leaves. How beautiful!

    Hugs and blessings, Mari!

  13. Such a beautiful place. Amazing photos.

  14. What beautiful photos Mari. I miss seeing Fall colours, and as for snow...well it snowed for an hour last winter...and it disappeared by lunch time!
    Thank you for sharing
    Phoebe x

  15. Such gorgeous photos! Of course I’m thinking of scriptures to go with each photo.

  16. We had snow on Halloween but it did not stick. Today we had freezing rain, snow and rain. What a combo. I hope the kiddos will et another day to trick or treat. So sad it was cancelled. Janice


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