
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Leaves and more leaves!

Although most of the trees in our area have lost their leaves, some are stubbornly holding on. Our oak leaves seem to wait every year till the snow is on the ground before they fall.  This year quite a few have already come down.

Bob's been doing a good job at keeping up with them, but we seem to get another pile every night.

 When you look at the leaves individually, instead of a big pile, you can appreciate the beauty in each one.   I'm thinking the same is true about people.  I need to remember to look for the unique characteristics of people instead of just lumping them together.


  1. Good analogy - thanks of this post. No fall leaves around here and I do miss them. Have a good week.

  2. There's a nice little lesson there! :)

    I have a feeling with the winds we're getting, most will be gone in the morning...yours too!

  3. Gorgeous pictures and thoughts. But I bet you don't really lump people together, Mari. xoxo

  4. We don't have trees in our yard but the neighbours leaves are filling our yard. Today was dry enough for a bit that the lawn mower was yanked out and got them all clipped away.

  5. That's real food for thought. I like it. We have lots of leaves on the ground and we need to get rid of them. Hopefully in another week we'll have most of the trees bare and we can do it all at once. For now, I'm sweeping the front door area almost every day to keep them from being tracked into the house.

  6. Good thought that all of us need to practice. Happy Monday my friend.

  7. What a wonderful analogy. It really is so easy to pile everyone together and make assumptions or judgements.

  8. You know Mari..I don't think you "lump" ppl together either. I find you to be a very caring & compassionate person. Have a blessed day.(thanks for leaves left here thought.)

  9. What a wonderful insight you were given from a pile of leaves. I love the way our Father speaks to us, all the time, in everything!!!

  10. HI Mari! Nature just keeps teaching and teaching doesn't it? And there you are, ready to be taught. I think The Lord loves that!

    The photo of the leaf with the water drops on it looks so perfect, doesn't it? Such a small scene, but reflects the perfection of God. Love that!
    Monday Blessings,

  11. i'm really bad about lumping people in to one big pile. thanks for the reminder.

  12. We certainly had our share of leaves years ago. But at this house we have just evergreens, so they're no work, ha!

  13. A lovely lesson! Now to go work on the leaves in my yard!

  14. So true Mari. I'm finding such beauty in the leaves right now. I have one that sits on my desk at work, just because. It is nice to be reminded that we serve the Master Artist.

    I think of you often; and I'm still here.

  15. I love the close up leaf shot.

    Yes indeed I was thinking that when I looked around me in church on Sunday. It's so easy to clump everyone together especially in church I think.

  16. I love that purple leaf and I love your analogy. =)


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