
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Works for me Wednesday

This year seems to be a banner year for mosquitoes in our area. My tip today is a new way to avoid them. I got this one from my friend Nancy. She had heard about this through an e-mail and tested it. Her yard is quite wooded and she told me to try it, as it worked for her. Since we have a lot of trees around us and have been getting eaten alive by the mosquitoes, I thought it was worth a try. I'm not going to say I've been completely bite free, but it really helps! And what do you think this new mosquito repellent is?

Mouthwash! It doesn't have to be the expensive type either. I went to the dollar store and bought a small spray bottle and a bottle of mouth wash. When you go outside, spray it in the area you are going to be in - not on yourself. If you are out for awhile, you may need to spray again, but it really made a difference for me. It's cheap and it's not a harsh chemical. That works for me!
For more tips, visit Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer.

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  1. Glad you tried it and got some relief.. It sure works for me. We haven't had many of those nasty bugs out here so far even in the woods.

  2. Funny you posted about this. At dinner this evening a lady was telling me to spray dish soap and it kept all insects out of the yard. Just make soapy water.

  3. Great idea but I wish I could spray it on Shaelyn while we're camping!

  4. I haven't seen any mosquitoes yet this year, but I am sure that I will. This is good to know!

  5. hummm.... I may just have to try that! Spray bottle and cheap mouth wash! Worth a try!

  6. Good idea- I may not need it though.
    The neighbor just mixed up a batch of mosquito killer and sprayed our yard!

  7. What a great tip - thanks for sharing!

  8. I'm glad you explained that we shouldnt spray it on our person....I was thinking that could cause some major skin irritation. I will try this. I have always used dryer sheets to keep the mosquitoes off my kids - they work --most of the time ;-)

  9. Well I'll be....I would never have thought of mouthwash. I need that desperatly, I'm one of those people that mosquitoes just cling to.

  10. since we're in the middle of all-stars, and the boys and I are getting eaten alive by bugs... I'll try anything!

    thanks for the tip.

  11. I just got eaten alive so I am willing to try anything! Thanks, Mari.

  12. Ooooh! I am sooo glad to hear this as I am soooo loved by mosquitoes! I just had beloved bring home some tea tree oil - but mouthwash would be cheaper indeed!
    Thank you!

  13. I'm going to have to give this a try. Thanks for the tip!!


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