
Monday, January 20, 2025

Something New!

I'm trying something new.  When I was younger I used to can food.  I grew up with my mom canning all summer long. However, as I got busier with working full time, I quit doing it. It's something I wanted to do a little of since retiring and after hearing from Donna about the canner she uses, I got one about a month ago.  It's an electric pressure canner. Because it's electric you don't have something on your stove for hours.  You do 8 pints or quarts at a time and it walks you through the process.  There are quite a few foods that need the pressure canner to can safely, so this gives me the option to can things like meat.

We have a meat market fairly near us that has good meat from local farmers.  They had a sale on ground beef this month, so I thought this was a good time to try out that canner.

Here it is, sitting on my counter and processing.

Here's one of my jars of ground beef.  I got 22 pints done; each is about 1 pound of meat.  It's nice that it's shelf stable, I don't have to worry about the power going out and losing it.  And, because it's cooked, it'll make it very easy to make a meal with it.

Later this month, they will have chicken on sale, so I'll be canning that too.  It feels good to have this on the shelf, and it was actually kind of fun!


  1. If I lived near you, I'd have you teach me how to do this. I have wanted to learn how to can things for years. Good for you. It's great to have some extra things on hand. Have a great week!

  2. I had no idea such a thing exists. And no idea that you can can meat! This is amazing to me!!

  3. That is so cool Mari, what can you tell us about that electric canner and what is the process for canning ground beef? Is there liquid in the jars, it doesn’t look like there is

  4. Never knew you could can meat like that. I use to help can with my mom and I also did it myself but stopped as I got way to busy for it. Very economical though and a good thing too if the power does go out. Stay warm out there. Spring is around the corner I hope. Janice

  5. AWESOME! This is so cool. Wishing you a beautiful day, Mari.

  6. This sounds fun.

  7. I have the same model and love it! SO easy to use! I should learn to can meat...

  8. How neat....I really did not realize that you could can meat. How long is the shelf life? How easy it will be to just open a jar of already cooked meat to finish up a dish...sure makes cooking easy. Hugs to you Mari...

  9. I used to be mothers slave and she canned everything we ate other than staples. but never meat. this is great. she would have loved it. she had a gas burner on the porch and used a huge canner pot, one of those speckled blue things. having meat ready to use is super... I will have to buy mine already canned.. the neighbor gave us canned pork, can't remember the name, it was ok but I was scared to eat it... bob liked it. this is much better
    for hurricane supplies I buy a can of spam and a can of corned beef, tuna and then have to find someone to give the spam and beef to. I was raised on those 3 canned meats

  10. Yay! I'm so glad that you enjoyed the process. My canner is one that uses the stovetop, and I have never canned meat. You are causing me to think about a different canner.

  11. Oh my gosh I wish I had one of those. I would LOVE to can meat! That is a fabulous idea! I did not know you could do that.

  12. I got that same canner back in September, I've not used it much yet but I love the idea of canning ground meat like that!!!!

  13. For those asking; the meat is browned, then packed in the jar and covered with beef broth. It pressure cans for 75 minutes.
    This is the canner I got:

  14. I would never have even thought you could do this with meat! But I guess there are canned soups with meat etc - so don't know why it wouldn't have occurred to me. Such an awesome and economical idea! :)

  15. That looks amazing! Today I went to the local store to buy meat, and all the prices had really gone up! How I wish I could've bought meats before when they were on sale and saved them. I don't have room for a big freezer, so canning would be a great idea! Thanks for sharing with us.

  16. My mom canned fruits and vegetables on the stove. I saw one in the special shop for farmers close to our home. It must be easier than on the stove. Have fun!

  17. This is so interesting to me. I live in an area where canning is not common. I've never seen anyone do it and don't remember my grandmothers doing it either...and they were both born in the late 1800's. I've always thought it was a great practice though, especially today when we lose power so often. I can't wait to see what else you can!

  18. Pretty cool. I have never canned anything and it just doesn't appeal to me. Too much work! :)

  19. That is so awesome, Mari!! My grandma used to talk about canning meat and they cooked it and then filled the jar up with the fat on top to seal it. Not something I would want to eat, but yours is beautiful!! Thanks for sharing this with us!

  20. Good for you! I always get excited when someone starts to can their own food. This looks so good. We butchered our pigs and I canned pulled pork from the bones after I pressure cooked them.
    So many ways to use this ground meat.

  21. Interesting! The only meat I remember my mom canning was beef. We canned and froze everything else though. Every vegetable and fruit that was in season. I too stopped when our kids were teens and I was working at school more. I do not miss the tyranny of the garden, needing to plan our lives around what was ready and had to be done up before it got too big or too old.

  22. Interesting. I didn't know you could can meat like that.

  23. That is TRULY amazing ... canning ground meat???? OK I will sound dumb here, but I'm assuming you cook and crumble it before putting it into the jars. But how very clever! You're going to need a bigger basement! Now do banana pudding! hahaha xoxo


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